Friday, 12 July 2013

Day 10 in the Lake

We had our last swim in the lake on Thursday morning - perfect conditions - except trying to get our wetsuit on in 30 degrees heat. No fun in that!

My sister Jo was visiting and she was put in charge of bags, dogs, camera. No wonder she looked nervous. She hadn't met Daisy the Nutter before.

When we got in the water and set off I saw fish for the first time - brown with spots? Anyone? We swam out to the red buoy and round the headland. It was an easy last swim. I felt well prepared and Mhairi had had a hard weeks training due to a triathlon event she was competing in this weekend in Liverpool. Calm down calm down!

When we turned to head back we had company -  the dogs joined us! They swam all the way back round the headland with us, bless them. Flirt has never been so fit - i'm sure she has webbed feet now!

Me and Mhairi
I feel so ready for the event on Sunday - so in the unlikely event that a giant eel grabs me, I should be able to complete it and be proud of my achievement. I feel quite emotioanl actually, and I think that is for a variety of reasons:

1) I am proud of myself for committing to it, especially as I'm going through some personal challenges at the moment. Swimming has put a smile on my face, when quite frankly some days I have just felt like bawling.

2) I am lucky to have found such a good friend in Mhairi who has given me nothing but encouragement and has inspired me to train, swim faster and harder. She must have the patience of a saint!

3) I feel fitter and healthier than I have done in a long long time. I have lost almost a stone in 5 weeks, and I am doing the 5:2 fasting way of eating too - so I think a combination of exercise and healthy eating has done it. (I would definately recommend 5:2 WOE to anyone!) I am getting into clothes I haven't worn for ages - I knew there was a reason I kept hold of them! I no longer veg on the sofa at night - well not til about 9/10pm anyway. I exercise!
After - Before. Not sure if I look any different actually!

And 4) most importantly I feel emotional because I am doing this for my mum, and to raise money for the Stroke Association. If the money I raise can stop this happening to one other person so that they and their family don't have to go through what we have and still do go through, then it is worth it.

I'm going to share a bottle of wine with Babs this evening, and Saturday will be a quiet one - I will NOT be swayed! Then down to Glenridding for about 11am; it's a British theme so we'll be proudly flying our Union Jacks, eating cucumber sandwiches and drinking Pimms (afterwards!) Then I might just let my hair down on Sunday night? What do you reckon?! And if you've nowt to do on Sunday, why not pop down to Glenridding and say hello! Bring a flag!!

Thank you for all your sponsorship so far. if you haven't had a chance yet, please click HERE!

Many thanks, and I'll be back on Monday to report on my swim! (Unless a giant eel gets me...)

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